For more than 3,000 years ago, the Chinese believe that the current practice is like a mirror and Foot Reflexology. (Reflexology), recognized that Can be used for the treatment or in combination with other effective treatment to improve the functioning of the organ to its normal balance. We can implement on their own. In addition to stimulating massage to treat it. Even if you do not get sick. If regular foot massage to stimulate both sides on a regular basis throughout the day, 10-20 minutes, it will help make the body healthy. Increased disease resistance to Reflexology by placing a stick a stick into the area to stimulate and massage gently press down slowly enough to feel pain in that area, gently massage to stimulate labor again. At each of massage therapy for about 20-30 minutes before the massage to stimulate healing in any area must reflect the stimulation of the nerves, massage the abdomen. (Mid-foot) first time about 3-5 minutes to allow the body to relax the nervous system. The results of treatment. Then massage the treatment of other diseases can be treated for headaches, stuffy nose, neck, shoulder pain, insomnia, constipation, asthma, coronary heart disease. Chronic hepatitis, diabetes, chronic renal failure. Allergies, colds, high blood pressure, low-fat million serious head wound in the stomach menopause. Menstrual irregularities. Development of memory immune aging supplements should be in keeping with Foot Reflexology the body in a relaxed state without tension. Wash your hands in place, cozy, clean off your feet, massage belt, watches, rings, etc., should not eat in the newly completed while the body is very tired. After drinking alcohol or immediately after a bath is a disease that should not be treated with Reflexology Foot infections, high fever, a disease that must be treated with surgery. Pregnant women at risk of various diseases, broken bones, blood vessels, inflammation or lymphatic obstruction, secret tube of foot massage system of the body is extremely complex. Each part of the body are linked in a remarkable mechanical pressure in some areas of the body can cause the illness to another section. Which of course it means that if we do not encourage or treatment of the reaction reflected in the next one will be able to contribute to the problem can be therapeutic. And restoration of health to another. In addition to the treatment using Hiokya solely on the body. And press the foot is a sequel to the internal organs of the benefits that will result in the treatment of diseases but also for its beauty as well. Because of that we have good skin. I was pretty or plain, depending on the performance of the internal mechanism is important. The benefits of massage. And Reflexology. 1. To eliminate the pressure and tension on the muscle. 2. Contribute to the breakdown of stress relaxation. 3. As the detoxification of the skin. Stimulate the secretion of the skin. 4. Encourage better blood circulation to all parts. 5. Stimulates the nervous system. 6. The balance to the tissues. 7. Increase the power and performance of internal organs. 8. Stimulate skin cells. As a result, the skin healthy shine. Activation of thyroid hormone effects. And emotions of people. 9. Help the brain relax. Sleep more easily. 10. To increase brain power. Memory problems. 11. The joints and ligaments are. The movement is flexible enough. 12. Treatment or alleviation of discomfort and illness.
Joint pain. Pain as a result of exercise, moderate or excessive weight gain and muscle area. These symptoms are associated with the circulatory system. Thus, the pressure points to treat joint pain. Need to massage the area that affects the blood system. This position is located in the center of my left foot to touch the thumb to press the abdomen. Do not force it. Because this point is superficial, it does not require much exertion. Exertion may cause an injury occur.
. Gender, women's emotions. This problem has been with women of all ages, especially middle-aged, because it may cause stress or emotions easily. It is likely that it will not cause the inversion. The pressure points can help boost the mood of some women. Massage is the most significant impact on the pituitary gland. That is the central area of the foot. In line with their big toes. Use your thumb to press the analogy, but I do not feel pain until then and pay a regular rhythm to a 15-minute routine will help you have better.
The penis does not harden. Young people do not want to have a problem with this because it means. The brother of the decline. This will give you the confidence to be underestimated. This issue is pressing the point, it can be prevented. Massage or pressure point massage to the point where it affects the adrenal glands and testicles. At this point in the middle of the foot in position 2 of the 3 foot to the heel. Foot massage using thumb press at that location. Left hand holding the feet come out. Not in this position for about 15 minutes, then turn to another location.
Allergy Allergy symptoms are very different, some people are allergic to dust allergies allergic diseases such as intractable But how can relieve the pressure points. This allergy is associated with the adrenal glands. Because this gland is to produce anti-allergy. And this point in the middle of the belly and two big toes, bend forward to touch your fingers anywhere. The joints. Then placed in the center of the belly big toes. Then press down and relax. Do not touch it for 10 minutes, then turn to another point.
Footsore Swollen feet symptoms associated with renal function directly. So, the point where we need to press to affect the kidneys. This is a mid-foot fit. How to hit it. I use the thumb to the middle of the foot. Then press down the tempo frequently, about 10 minutes, then rub together to exert a little more, but gently press and release it for another 5 minutes, the swelling will subside. Done regularly. Available 0 will collapse and eventually disappear.
With the push of the foot, swollen foot. Swollen feet are a common cause symptoms such as swollen face. Thus, pressing the press, it must be related to the kidney. Swollen feet, but it must hold a position that involves the lymph nodes. This is where the lymph nodes. Will need to press the soles of the base of the index finger and middle finger. Because of the area. There is little space. So how does the press. To bend the thumb and the tip of your thumb to gently rub the spot to the next area is a 15-minute massage to warm the area. And the swelling is reducedVaricose veins. Those who long for. Or wear high heels regularly. Are at risk of varicose veins than the general population. The foot where the affected leg will help relieve and prevent varicose veins are. In the stomach, the thumb placed on the outside of the foot and the heel bone. Then press down. Massage for 15 minutes at least three times a week can help reduce symptoms. You have beautiful legsLumbar pain and coccyx Sitting in her office all the time. Often face the problem of pain in the waist and Kgnkb Frequently. How to relieve the pressure points. Press the skin around the heel of the foot and ankle at the top. This is the point at the waist and coccyx Massage, foot massage, use your thumb over a 10-minute massage on the feet. Massage a few inches to four 10-minute routine. To help alleviate and prevent pain and lumbar Kgnkb well.Liver with the big toes. The Chinese believe that the medical textbooks. Big toes to the liver are associated with a persistent toe finger massages on a regular basis. This is consistent with the liver as a health care executive who has a problem with the big toes. They often have health problems such as liver, with the big toes are very stiff. It is possible that That person may have diabetes, stomach finger or two fingers at the Chinese believe that the medical community. This finger is associated with the stomach. Various disorders. Caused to the stomach. The symptoms of bloating Tgageฟga. Which are often different. Or severe symptoms of cancer. Finger can not fault it as if it is cancer. Point will be highly appreciated. Therefore, the administration is not flexible finger pressing massage on a regular basis. I exercise a strong stomach to function normally. Which affect health. Keep your body healthy as well.
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